About Us
China Candlelight Educational Fund (the Fund) was registered in Hong Kong as a charitable organization in 2000. Members included educators, professionals and businessmen who shared the common goal of providing education for young people in the poverty-stricken mountainous regions of China and promoting cultural exchanges between Hong Kong and mainland students. All Directors and Advisors were volunteers.
The Fund was established by our distinguished chairman, the late Mr. Chan Cheong Lap, and vice-chairman Mr. Lo Yan Shing. After two decades of hard work and strong dedication, together with the support of generous donors and devoted volunteers, the Fund achieved very fruitful results. The Fund ceased operation in 2020, but the footprints that the Fund left in China, and some memorable snapshots during these two decades are posted in this website, so that all honorable donors, devoted volunteers, respectful teachers and lovely students whom the Fund had served, and all who have ever supported the Fund can review them as part of their happy memories.