
Mr. CHAN Cheong- lap was the Trustee and Founding Chairman of China Candlelight Educational Fund, registered in Hong Kong in 2000. The main objective of the Fund is two-fold: firstly to help provide better educational facilities and improve the quality of education for children in the poverty-stricken mountainous regions of China, and secondly to broaden the outlook of young people in Hong Kong through cultural exchanges.
Mr. CHAN graduated in Hong Kong University in 1964 with a B.A. (Hons.) Degree, and obtained the Certificate of Education in 1971. After graduation, Mr. CHAN took up a career in the education field, serving as the vice-principal of Po Leung Kuk No.1 Secondary School, principal of Fish Marketing Organization Secondary Practical and Primary School, and in 1974, as the founding principal of Ho Fung College (sponsored by Sik Sik Yuen) until his retirement in 2001.
Apart from his education profession, Mr. CHAN devoted much time and effort to community services. He served as chairman, and committee member of various cultural, educational, environmental committees, and Boy Scout and Girl Guide associations in Kwai Chung and Tsing-yi District.
Mr CHAN was also a revered Taijiquan master, having practised Taiji for over 50 years, and was the first disciple of Wu Style Taiji Grand Master WU Tai-kwai. He was the Executive Committee Member of Hong Kong Wushu Association since 1990, mainly responsible for the training of Wushu adjudicators and coaches, and the promotion of Taijiquan. From 2001 to 2010, Mr. CHAN was the Team Leader of the Hong Kong Wushu Team in international competitions, e.g. The 3rd East Asian Games in Osaka, the Asian Games in Busan, Korea, and Guangzhou, China, The 5th City Sports Competition in Hunan, The 1st International Traditional Taijiquan Competition, and The 2nd International Taijiquan Competition in China.
In 1990, Mr. Chan was conferred the Badge of Honour by Queen Elizabeth II in recognition of his contributions to Hong Kong. In 2001 and 2005, he was awarded Honorary Citizen of Shaoguan City, and Yunfu City in Guangdong province respectively. From 2002 to 2004, Mr. CHAN served as Member of Shaoguan City Political Consultation Council, and from 2001 to 2012, he served as Member and Executive Member of Yunfu City Political Consultation Council in Guangdong province. In 2011, he was awarded “The Distinguished Committee Member” of the Council. In the same year, he was voted by various provincial Women’s Associations, the general public, and China Children and Teenagers’ Fund, as one of the 30 winners of “The Most Loving Heart Persons in the Promotion of Children Welfare in the past 30 years”, among whom only 5 were from Hong Kong and Taiwan.
Since his retirement, Mr. Chan devoted most of his time to charity work. Under his leadership, the China Candlelight Educational Fund achieved tremendous success. He gained insight into the educational needs of students in the under-developed areas in China, and strived hard to raise funds. With the support of generous donors and dedicated volunteers, more than HK$2 billion donations were raised, benefiting thousands of teachers and students in the mainland.
Mr. Chan devoted his lifetime to pursue better education in Hong Kong, and to provide greater learning opportunities for the needy students in China. He was a model for all. Despite his illness for more than two years, Mr. Chan remained optimistic, and still showed great concern in the work of the Fund. Unfortunately, our beloved Chairman, Mr. Chan, passed away on May 14, 2019.